Stumbling Upon the Beauty of Japan
South Korea, Japan, these two countries are my two favorites in the East Asia part. I have always heard stories about Japan, its beauty, its structures, and its endless traditional architecture. Embarking on a journey to Japan is a dream of mine, and it’s soon to become a reality. From Tokyo to Osaka, this country never seems to end with the surprises while traveling. Japan is a unique country with its beautiful architecture and contrasting culture compared to the United States. I think we can all agree that Japan is an exciting and extraordinary trip. So, here is my list explaining why I want to visit Japan, and why you should too.
1. The Stunning Architecture
Japan has tons of beautiful and ancient temples and shrines. The city of Kyoto has around 2,000 Buddhist temples and shrines within the city limits. That number alone is impressive for just one city. Japan also provides thousands of endless Torii gates leading you up a mountain. Talk about getting a workout while exploring another culture. Japan is a perfect mix of culture, history, and modern comfort. There are skyscrapers, trendy restaurants, and everything else you can come across in the modern world. But, Japan does have it’s own unique, modern style and can’t be compared with any other advanced country.
2. How Clean Everything Is
You won’t see any trash or litter anywhere. The Japanese take great pride in their cleanliness, respecting their surroundings. Everything in Japan is super, super clean. You’ll never find any litter on the streets anywhere, for that matter. Every hotel and accommodation we stayed at always smelled rosy clean, and every restaurant table is efficiently cleaned before we sit down.
3. Their Food Is Cuter Than Your New Puppy
Have you even seen their food? It’s absolutely adorable! Just imagine some foods I’m about to describe to you: pandas made of rice in curry, marshmallow cats in your coffee, sleeping bear rice, cat donuts, bunny bread, and Chewbacca noodles (for all you Star Wars fans).
4. Kit Kats Come In SO Many Flavors
Being the huge Kit Kat fan that I am, just knowing the fact there are hundreds of flavors makes my mouth water uncontrollably. Let’s keep talking about food a bit longer. Because, well, I love food and Japan is an excellent place for foodies. KitKats are available in all kinds of flavors in Japan. Strawberry, pear, citrus golden blend, cinnamon cookie, strawberry cheesecake, wasabi and many more! Yes, also matcha! Really try out some of those crazy flavors!
5. The Beautiful Natural Landscape
Japan is perfect for nature lovers; the land looks like it was created by angels. Everything is perfectly placed as if it were planned, but nope. That’s just the beauty of Japan; including Mount Fiji, the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, gardens, trails, and pretty much anywhere you look.
6. Seeing The Whole Country Covered in Cherry Blossoms
Cherry blossoms only last for two weeks in Japan, so I definitely need to go during that time. If you wanna experience a magical moment, go see those Cherry blossoms.
7. Experiencing The Weird And Wonderful Side Of Tokyo
Cat Cafes, Karaoke Bars, Pokemon Center, and Robot Restaurants… Do I need to mention more?
8. Ancient Japanese Culture
Next to the wacky side of Japan is the amazing culture that they hold so dearly to themselves. Their culture dates back to thousands of years ago; with many of the oldest aspects withstanding the test of time! Kyoto is the best place to witness geisha history, especially in the Gion district. The ancient Japanese culture is really interesting, and it has been around for thousands of years. Even now the culture and heritage is very prominent in the country. During your visit in Japan you can learn a lot about the history by visiting castles, temples, shrines and more. Especially Kyoto is a perfect destination if you want to experience the ancient Japanese culture.
9. The Toilets
Toilets?! I know. I know, but just hear me out on this one. The toilets are the most hygienic ones you will ever use. Yeah, I’ve heard it’s a little weird getting used to, but once you do, it’s a great experience. Of course, staying in a different country will need some getting used to. Plus, the toilets talk to you! (Only in Japanese, though!)
10. Getting Lost Is Half The Fun
Many people have said when you visit a different country it is best to lose yourself. Literally. You’ll end up finding things you’ve never imagined; see sites a lot of tourists haven’t. Just get lost and enjoy the magic that is Japan.
11. One of the safest countries
Japan is one of the safest countries to travel in the world. According to, Japan was in the top 10 of the World’s Safest Countries in 2017. What makes Japan so safe? For one thing, Japan puts a strong focus on crime prevention, with measurements such as ATM’s inside buildings or banks and the fact that firearms aren’t readily available.
12. Be a foodie in Japan
It is known that Japan is more than only ramen and sushi! Japanese food is all about taste, spices, and cooking. Japan has more amazing food than only ramen or sushi! For instance, try the Okonomiyaki pancakes, made with cabbage and topped with a variety of options. This can be anything from meat to seafood! Other food to try in Japan are Soba noodles, Yakiniku barbecue, Tempura, Sukiyaki, and Yakitori.
13. One of the most beautiful cherry blossoms
One of the most popular times to visit Japan is during spring. This is, of course, because of the amazing pink cherry blossoms that cover the streets. But not only the trees start to blossom when spring approaches, everything else in Japan turns into “sakura” mode. Think fake cherry blossom flowers in stores, cherry blossom drinks and even food.
Alright! So, that was my top reasons why I want to visit Japan and why you should too. If I missed anything, or if you have another reason to share, please let me know. Thanks for reading and have a kireina (Beautiful) Day!